The Henrik Ibsen Museum was founded by Knut Wigert in 1990 and has now been owned by the Norwegian Folkemuseum since 1993. Here you have the possible to visit the appartement Henrik Ibsen lived in his last 11 years. The museum arranges tours of the apartment with original artwork and furniture - giving you insight about his life  from 1895-1906

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The Henrik Ibsen exhibition showcases some of his most known works through movies, soundclips and informative boards. The exhibition portrays both Henrik Ibsen as a human and author; showing us examples from his works as well as private belongings. Come see the exhibit to understanding the writings of "the father of realism" and one of the founders of Modernism in theatre

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Ibsen Quotations is street art based on poems, stories, speeches and letters from the writings of Henrik Ibsen. The quotations can be found on both sides of Karl Johans gate from  Grand Hotel and the parliament builing,  past the ministry of Foregin Affairs all the way to the Henrik Ibsen Museum and Arbins Street. 

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Opening Hours

From 15 May to 14 September:
Monday-Sunday 11:00 - 18:00.

From 15 September to 14 May:
Monday-Sunday: 11:00 - 16:00 Thursdays until 18:00.